5 Myths About Women's Bodies

5 Myths About Women's Bodies

Historically research has focused on men. As one example, women are underrepresented in major clinical trials for cancers that affect both sexes. Researchers say several factors could be responsible, from childcare issues to reluctance by researchers to expose women of childbearing age to trial drugs and treatments. In other areas where research into women's medical problems is lacking, the issue is not just about sexism. But in recent years, women have been getting increased attention. Still, much misinformation about the female body circulates in mainstream consciousness.
  • MYTH # 1: A woman can't get pregnant during her period – Once inside a woman, sperm can wait for an egg for up to a week. Ovulation can occur soon after, or even during the bleeding phase of a woman's menstrual cycle, giving patient sperm the chance to get lucky.
  • MYTH # 2: Menopause causes sex drive to nosedive – While hot flashes and other discomforts may make women temporarily not in the mood, there is not a direct link between menopause and sexual desire.
  • MYTH # 3: Antibiotics make birth control pills unreliable – A possible exception is rifampin, the antibiotic prescribed for tuberculosis. Rifampin does lower pregnancy – protecting hormone levels induced by birth control pills but whether the effect is large enough to increase pregnancy risk is unclear.
  • MYTH # 4: Women and men need equal sleep – A study led by researchers at the University of Warwick found that women who slept five or less hours a night were twice likely to suffer from hypertension than women who slept for seven or more hours.
  • MYTH # 5: A doctor can tell if a woman is virgin – Several studies have reported that even when using 10 – fold magnification, doctors can not accurately sort virgins from the sexually-active. In the rare cases when it is sealed, period blood builds in the uterus and causes severe medical problems.

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