One of the most beautiful...............

One of the most beautiful

One of the most beautiful houses in the world is in   Barcelona, Spain owned by the famous footballer, Ronaldinho.

One of the most beautiful cities in the world is Vancouver, Canada.

One of the most beautiful little girls in the world is Fatima, from Morocco.

The most beautiful eyes in the world belong to this little girl from Afghanistan.

One of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world is  Niagara Falls in the U.S. and Canada.

One of the most beautiful bridges in the world
 in Japan.

One of the most beautiful horses in the world is the Arabian.

One of the most beautiful plants in the world is shaped like a water bubble.

One of The Most Beautiful Places on Earth Navagio Beach, or the Shipwreck

And one of the most beautiful days in the World is TODAY... if you make it  so.
 Have a great day and be Happy!

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